Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dear Princess,

A true prince, a true man, will find you beautiful when you are at your worst. He will ask for nothing from you and love you all the same. If he dumps you because you won't exceed bounds of innocence, then he never truly cared for you in the first place. If he truly loves you he will guard your innocence, your purity, your heart above all things. Including what he or even you desire. He will push you to pursue the Lord (for he is the only one who can truly love your heart) and be angry if you pursue him instead. He will fight for you in all things even when he does not feel like it. He will offer his strength through friendship when you are weak. He will strive to be your best friend and nothing more cause anything else (before marriage) are empty promises. The fact that he could hurt you will terrify him and keep him always on his guard. Always aware to watch his actions. If he truly loves you he will always be prepared to let you go, for he knows you are not, nor ever will be truly his. Daughters of the king, Queens of this earth, Beautiful Princesses, settle for nothing less than your prince.

Yours Truly,
The True Prince