Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sailors Decent

Waves crash upon the sand
relentless in their dance
I simply try to stand
but the waves keep crashing in
cold currents pull me low
to the dark depths
consequence of seeds past sown
shall I ever breath
or is air to sweet a treat
for a ragged soul like me
sink or swim 
that is the question ultimate
to swim is to live
and living is painful
to sink is to die
dieing is easy
my only hope lies
after a black damp grave
my only hopes cry
is from me, to captain
that he might save

Been A While

Its been quite a while since I have written,
in silence for noise is overwhelming,
consuming the very atmosphere of my world,
as a heavy dark mist that lets no light in.

A ray, beam, opening, hope,
has poured fourth this day.

Once again, I return .

To write in silence.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am free!
My mind, body and soul
Broken free of chains
Chains that bound, constricted, suffocated
The three tyrants of my life now shattered
World,sin, and law now die
At the hands of my rescuer
World and his circumstances
Sin and his guilt
Law and his judgement
Once held my heart
I sore above the earth of emotions
To heights of heavens peace
Sin told me I was worthless
Yet my worth is more than gold
Law condemned me to die
But not even time itself
Shall steal my soul
This earth,people,petty gods
Have no hold in my true heart
For my chains are broken
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dear Princess,

A true prince, a true man, will find you beautiful when you are at your worst. He will ask for nothing from you and love you all the same. If he dumps you because you won't exceed bounds of innocence, then he never truly cared for you in the first place. If he truly loves you he will guard your innocence, your purity, your heart above all things. Including what he or even you desire. He will push you to pursue the Lord (for he is the only one who can truly love your heart) and be angry if you pursue him instead. He will fight for you in all things even when he does not feel like it. He will offer his strength through friendship when you are weak. He will strive to be your best friend and nothing more cause anything else (before marriage) are empty promises. The fact that he could hurt you will terrify him and keep him always on his guard. Always aware to watch his actions. If he truly loves you he will always be prepared to let you go, for he knows you are not, nor ever will be truly his. Daughters of the king, Queens of this earth, Beautiful Princesses, settle for nothing less than your prince.

Yours Truly,
The True Prince

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sojourn in My Soul. Part 3.

I look down and see
my feet upon a well beaten path
the earth is cool and comforting
beneath my feet
I continually put one foot
in front of the other wondering
where they shall take me
I look up and see not far ahead
a gentle overpass
the trees have grown thick
and tall and come together as if
sweetly embracing above my head
soon the trees are so dense that they
block out the sun
as darkness creeps in i inquire
is there anything i should fear inside my soul?

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Sojourn in My Soul. Part 2

I stand ready to walk
inquisitive of the world
the world crafted by my soul
an exploration of self
I start in the tranquil woods of my mind
and follow the wood picket sign that
reads "elsewhere"
it seems my journey shall take me
to parts unknown in the strange land
inside my heart
come with me but please do not stray
off the path or tamper in my soul
for i show great trust in allowing you to see
through my heart
if great care is not taken you may be the
end of me
but the risk is worth the reward
what reward you may ask
why it is the only thing worth living for

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Sojourn in My Soul. Part 1

Today I sat still
Listening to the world
Breath upon breath; Silent
In the woods watching
The sun rise. Beautiful,
My heart sings. I shall
Not long for more than
this moment. The winds
fingers play with my hair
and the leaves dance in the
cool breeze, tossed upon
the ground gently. For they
break if not handled with care.
Not a sound is made for i am
at peace and quietness fills
me. Be silent in my world
and you are welcome. Be
still and you shall know my heart.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Lamb That Fought Back (alternate telling of Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl.)

      Here I sat and lay. For months I kept silent, to myself-not moving nor stirring. In the dark folds of shadow and safety I sat and listened. I learned from hearing, every noise, every sound, every muted vibration of flesh I soaked in. At first what I heard I did not understand, but in a short while I soon could comprehend it all. That's when I first learned what fear, pain, and anger were. I quickly realized the demeaning words they used to describe me. This word "baby" how sick a sound. They talked as if I did not exist; as if I did not hear them. Then at night when my host was sleeping the other voice, the one that was apart from me, would speak into the darkness and say terrible things about me and what i would cost him. I could simple tell by the way his voice swarmed about my head that they were words meant to kill, hurt, and destroy. The words burned my flesh and bruised my bones and I could not cry out or strike back.
      Then one night I heard a new word. A word that drove ice and fire into my veins- abortion. I did not know what it meant but to him i believed it meant to solve the problem of me. This word, this twisted mad entity of abortion; seemed to loom in front of me. It reached out with clawed fingers drenched in blood. A smile broke its emotionless face, ready to finish me. I knew I must continue to lie still and perhaps it would pass over me and allow me to survive another day. If not, I must fight. I must find a way to escape this once safe haven that i have lived. So, I waited and listened for a clue on what my fate would be.
     I did not wait long for that very evening when the other came to where i could hear him. I heard his heavy frame come near, and i shrank back against the moist walls of my home. Then he began to speak to my host and I listened, "This is going to be at bit of a shock to you i am afraid. I hope you won't blame me to much." Then i heard him speak into my darkest fears; He told of the abortion and how he would provide the means. How they would reach in with metal and wires and drag me out in deathly silence. To simple toss me aside and hide me, never to be seen again. It would have to be in secret, so no one would know. NOOOOO, my soul screamed out. I could not let this come to pass. I began to franticly search for a escape, anything to avoid this fate. My body could not move, but my mind reached about. I slowly stretched my essence forth searching  for something to cling to. I grabbed onto the host soul, and in my panicked state forced my will upon it. Instantly my senses were flooded with light and feeling. Things I had only heard and dreamed of. I looked about with my new found eyes. There in front of me was a oddly shaped object, cold and slimy to the touch. My mind flowed clean and clear, for I believe my host desired the same salvation i desired. I reached and picked up it up awkwardly. I slowly made my way up the stairs; knowing what I must do to ensure my life. I turned the corner, item still in hand. There he was, the other voice. My mind did not even have to think. I raised the object into the air, and with a triumphant laugh brought it down upon my aggressor's head. I had won.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Raven (parody based on "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe)

In the midnight cold of black December
I sit alone my heart a slumber
My heart breaks and burns
But it can not shut out my stomach's yearns
Black is my heart and black is my mind
But oh i tell you my stomach is alive
Not even the deathly stab of loves hellish blade
Could make my hunger fade

As I sit alone in my pit
In flies a raven and on my shelf
Does sit, black and cold as my heart
I look into its freezing death of its eyes
And remember the cold touch of my lover's hand
As wheeled away by the grim reapers cart
I must know that my lover is dead and yet i live on
As i live must also i eat

Can the raven see into my soul?
as my lover could before
Does he know whether the carving knife
will be sharp or dull?
Then the raven spoke, a small shrill tone
Quote the raven, "more then skin and bone"
My imagination it may be, but either way
I am going to feast

I jump and run, shut the window
And still the raven does not stir
Perhaps it did not think me a foe
As i watched him sit like a cat my
Gullet did purr, with my heart in
Crazy delight i sneaked up on the raven
I was hidden behind his eyes and out
of sight; i will eat tonight

I grab the raven in my fist and quickly
Put it to a rest before it can resist
I did not bother to remove the feathers
I think raw it would taste better
I take my first bite and send myself into bliss
Thinking of my lover as i strive to live
As i try to swallow fear strikes my heart
It seems a bone i did miss; the room goes black
As the raven puts me to a end, i do not resist,
It seems me and my lover will be reunited again

How i weep

The world is black and white. I do not look upon the world with my eyes but with my soul. My head tells me I should see color and beauty but I only see black and white, evil and good, wrong and right. I take life in the brilliant white but the darkness of black fills my heart with death. I look and see the world. The world is black, rotting, dieing. I was not made to live here. The only white I see resides in the souls of men who have been saved. Some are brilliant shards of light that bring life wherever they may go. Others are thin flames flickering, faint, fighting to remain lite. The darkness fights agianst the light, hoping to put it out so that darkness my thrive. Everyday war rages upon my soul as i fight to not only feed my flame but the light of others. Do you know the pain?! The pain of seeing your friend you are trying to save flicker and die! When you speak to them they hit you! when you reach to catch them they curse you! You give them life but they choose death and you are forced to turn your tear stained face away as the darkness consumes their soul! Oh how i weep......


Oh the harsh cries and tear stained cheeks
The broken sword and broken shield
War rages upon my soul today
The blood stained sky and broken earth
Tell my story of how I fight for life
I watch the fire burn my world away
And I am left to clean up my ashes

My enemies cloaked in darkness
Black as midnight sun
Gather on all sides thirsting for life
They fight with assassins blades
With poison and daggers
From the pits of hell they strike
Like a ocean of fire hungry for the souls of man
burning tongues and deceitful whispers are their allies
And I am left to clean up the ashes

You are on of them
I see the chains about your hands
You say you are a free man
Do you not see the iron bonds or
Feel the sting upon your back
How lost can men be
To say they are free yet live in slavery
Wrapped in chains and suffering there souls are
They have no desire for its end
They are feed to their selfish flames
And I am left to clean up the ashes

A sensual flame is still fire
A fire burns and destroys
It will never say
That is all, the thirst of a flame
Cannot be quenched by anything but water
Yet you stand there and fan the flames of your
Own destruction
And I am left here to clean up your ashes

I watch the ones I love stick there hands in fire
Finding pleasure in the pain
The flame warps and burns there skin
They smile
I beg them, “ Please stop !you are burning!”
Still they do not pull out
And I am left to clean up their ashes


The greatest friend to mankind
He pats us on the back and says
"your hardships are over be free."
I do not fear death for i have already
mapped my journey into the infinite
Anyone may join me on this merry quest
Pack nothing and come quickly for I have
A friend waiting on the other shore of eternity
We shall take a white boat to cross the
Still black waters of time
"Do you hear that?" laughter on the far bank
Do not tarry for death has invited us to a party
what a shame it would be to keep my friend waiting.