Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Lamb That Fought Back (alternate telling of Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl.)

      Here I sat and lay. For months I kept silent, to myself-not moving nor stirring. In the dark folds of shadow and safety I sat and listened. I learned from hearing, every noise, every sound, every muted vibration of flesh I soaked in. At first what I heard I did not understand, but in a short while I soon could comprehend it all. That's when I first learned what fear, pain, and anger were. I quickly realized the demeaning words they used to describe me. This word "baby" how sick a sound. They talked as if I did not exist; as if I did not hear them. Then at night when my host was sleeping the other voice, the one that was apart from me, would speak into the darkness and say terrible things about me and what i would cost him. I could simple tell by the way his voice swarmed about my head that they were words meant to kill, hurt, and destroy. The words burned my flesh and bruised my bones and I could not cry out or strike back.
      Then one night I heard a new word. A word that drove ice and fire into my veins- abortion. I did not know what it meant but to him i believed it meant to solve the problem of me. This word, this twisted mad entity of abortion; seemed to loom in front of me. It reached out with clawed fingers drenched in blood. A smile broke its emotionless face, ready to finish me. I knew I must continue to lie still and perhaps it would pass over me and allow me to survive another day. If not, I must fight. I must find a way to escape this once safe haven that i have lived. So, I waited and listened for a clue on what my fate would be.
     I did not wait long for that very evening when the other came to where i could hear him. I heard his heavy frame come near, and i shrank back against the moist walls of my home. Then he began to speak to my host and I listened, "This is going to be at bit of a shock to you i am afraid. I hope you won't blame me to much." Then i heard him speak into my darkest fears; He told of the abortion and how he would provide the means. How they would reach in with metal and wires and drag me out in deathly silence. To simple toss me aside and hide me, never to be seen again. It would have to be in secret, so no one would know. NOOOOO, my soul screamed out. I could not let this come to pass. I began to franticly search for a escape, anything to avoid this fate. My body could not move, but my mind reached about. I slowly stretched my essence forth searching  for something to cling to. I grabbed onto the host soul, and in my panicked state forced my will upon it. Instantly my senses were flooded with light and feeling. Things I had only heard and dreamed of. I looked about with my new found eyes. There in front of me was a oddly shaped object, cold and slimy to the touch. My mind flowed clean and clear, for I believe my host desired the same salvation i desired. I reached and picked up it up awkwardly. I slowly made my way up the stairs; knowing what I must do to ensure my life. I turned the corner, item still in hand. There he was, the other voice. My mind did not even have to think. I raised the object into the air, and with a triumphant laugh brought it down upon my aggressor's head. I had won.

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