Thursday, October 14, 2010

How i weep

The world is black and white. I do not look upon the world with my eyes but with my soul. My head tells me I should see color and beauty but I only see black and white, evil and good, wrong and right. I take life in the brilliant white but the darkness of black fills my heart with death. I look and see the world. The world is black, rotting, dieing. I was not made to live here. The only white I see resides in the souls of men who have been saved. Some are brilliant shards of light that bring life wherever they may go. Others are thin flames flickering, faint, fighting to remain lite. The darkness fights agianst the light, hoping to put it out so that darkness my thrive. Everyday war rages upon my soul as i fight to not only feed my flame but the light of others. Do you know the pain?! The pain of seeing your friend you are trying to save flicker and die! When you speak to them they hit you! when you reach to catch them they curse you! You give them life but they choose death and you are forced to turn your tear stained face away as the darkness consumes their soul! Oh how i weep......


  1. i'm sorry, but i don't care what google tells you, DYING is never ever spelled, "dieing." EVER.

  2. All I have to say is... WOW! I have tears in my eyes!
